Wednesday 27 July 2011

Love yourself

I have come to understand that whether it is healing through medication, through prayer , touch, etc ... ultimately it comes from within. If you are not willing to accept the healing touch you are not going to get healed anyway. In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives we have forgotten that there is a soul that lives within us..that soul needs love...needs attention...not necessarily from your neighbors and friends, but from your own self too.

Do you love yourself? Do you listen to what your soul asks? or you do what others ask you to do? How many of us have the realization that we exist? We are so busy with our day to day problems that we forget to be one with our own inner selves. Sometimes its good to be alone..with a blank mind..look at yourself in the mirror.. see how wonderfully God has created you. Think about all the talents you are blessed with. Think about how you have come through this journey of and downs..and you still survived because you are THE BEST! Love yourself... and you will start loving everything about your life.. Try it..!